

In 2022, the Delview Leos Club was formed as the first in all of Delta, starting small in Delview Secondary. Initiated by Kookie Sethi under the guidance of the Delview Leos Club Advisor Lion Jay Sethi, the club quickly gained interest among the school's population and started to attract members as the year went on, meeting regularly on Tuesdays.

Original Delview Leos Club Logo

Kookie and the first crew of Delview Leos started raising awareness by doing interactive events in their school and inviting others to join in to community events to build up and serve the neighbourhood.

Image Above: Kookie Sethi, Founding President, at Pancake Breakfast event for Lions fundraiser.

Charter Ceremony

Image Above: Kookie Sethi and Mrs. Oliver holding invocation certificate.

Kookie Sethi, the Delview Leos' Founding President, was awarded the Certificate of Organization for the Delview Leos Club in May of 2022, and therefore officiated our club under the wing of the Surrey Central Lions Club, as an official Leos Club, making it the first of its kind in all of Delta and one of few in the Lower Mainland.

Summer of 23'

Kelly Braun was awarded the new position of President for the 2023-2024 Leo Year, and Kookie now had the responsibility of making sure the transition ran smoothly.

As the year came to a close, the summer started, with Kelly initiating many events during the summer in collaboration with the other local clubs under the wing of the Surrey Central Lions Club, with the help of the Delview Leos Club Advisor Jay Sethi.

Events partnering with other clubs were increasing, with events such as King George Chalk Hopscotch, Picnic In The Park, and more!


Image Above: Delview Leos and Surrey Central Lions serving food during summer Picnic in The Park event.

New Year

Although the Summer of 2023 was busy, the Delview Leos were off to a fast start from the beginning of school, organizing a Grade 8 Scavenger Hunt/Get to Know the School in the first few weeks while also planning out the MD19 Convention for Lions from across BC, Idaho and Washington. 

The club, under the leadership of Kelly Braun, met on Mondays instead of Tuesdays for the following year.

Picture shows Delview Leos among Fraser Heights Leos enjoying the sunshine as they paint carnival games for the MD19 Lions Convention Carnival on October 13th, 2023.

Grade  8  Scavenger Hunt

Our Leos hosted a Grade 8 Scavenger Hunt to help Grade 8's get to know the school better! Through handing out prizes and getting almost 50 grade 8's signed up, we were in for an evening of insane fun, making impactful connections with grade 8's and contributing to our diverse community at Delview.

Tree Planting @ Bear Creek Park

Our Leos went to plant trees in Bear Creek Park and replenish the beautiful landscape we call home. We not only learned how to plant trees, but we also learned how important it is for our ecosystem.

Together with other planters from across Surrey, thousands of trees were planted to replenish the bare grounds and create new life at Bear Creek Park.

MD19 Convention

Our Leos were fortunate enough to be invited to attend and serve at the MD19 Convention, and also lead many of the carnival games for the Lions attending. Through a night of fun, games, prizes and meeting new people, our members got to hear about what other Leos and Lions clubs were doing to improve their communities and we took many ideas back, ready to implement new initiatives into our own club's events for the new year. 

Our members not only had a lot of fun, but also made important connections with Lions from across BC and some from the United States! It was a worthwhile time spent involving youth into the lives of those helping to serve us.

International Board Meeting

Our executives visited the Lions International Board Meeting held in the Vancouver Longhouse and we were fortunate enough to meet many Lions executives in charge of leading millions of clubs and people in service around the world. 

Along with serving them during the awards ceremony night, we also met International President Dr. Patti Hill and many of the VPs and other executives that help keep Lions running around the world!

This was a once in a lifetime experience and one that our Leos executives will never forget.

Delview Leos : Today!

Currently, our club has over 20 members committed to serving our community. Through volunteer events such as our environmental campaign and Earthwise Society volunteering coming up in mid-April, our Ramen Fundraiser, Lions Manure Sale, and Car Wash coming up all to support youth mental health, and many more events meeting with Leos and Lions to discuss the future of our communities, Leos club is a group of individuals committed to leadership, experience, opportunity and service.